Barnes Family Beach Session

My sister, brother-in-law and sweet little nephew came and visited us in Virginia.  So of course we had to do a photoshoot! So many pictures were taken I had a hard time deciding which ones to put on the blog! Words cannot describe how much I love getting to photograph my sister and her sweet family, we have tried to get pictures done once a year. What a blessing it is to watch her family grow and change as the years go by.

This little guy had never been to the beach before and needless to say he absolutely loved it.  You can tell by his face when he first got a glimpse at the water that he was excited! I cannot get enough of this little guy, I loved getting to watch him experience the ocean and sand for the first time.

A good time was had by all! 

The thing that is so special to me about getting to capture moments like these with little kids is, I love the innocent wonder and pure joy that kids have. Then of course the goofyness that goes hand and hand with little kids! Especially this little man!