Snow Cream

Well, I woke up this morning to get ready to drive two hours away for a photo shoot, looked out the window and was surprised to see it all snowy white outside. Sadly I decided it would be best to reschedule the photo shoot, but I got to stay at home and get some work done and make a special treat! SNOW CREAM!!!

I might be the odd one, but I cannot tell you how much I love snow and getting to play around it. (I will forever be a kid at heart).


When we lived in Waco, TX, snow was not a common occurrence, so snow days and snow cream never really happened at our house. So the whole time we lived in Waco, My mom and sister were here in Virginia getting to enjoy snow almost every winter, and were forever bragging about their delicious snow cream. So of course the first time it snowed for us since moving to Virginia I had to remedy that situation. I made sure that before the snow hit I had stocked up on the ingredients for it (not that it was alot). It was super easy to make and these are the only ingredients I used.

  1. Large bowl filled to the top with CLEAN snow

  2. One Can of Sweetened Condensed Milk

  3. 1 Tablespoon of Vanilla Extract (if you want stronger flavor you can add more)

Then you just mix it all up. Once you start mixing it all together it starts to compact a bit so I kept adding a little bit more snow.  It tastes just like homemade vanilla ice cream!  Super Easy and Super Good!!! So next time you are snowed in, make some snow-cream (and homemade pecan pie in our case), grab a hot chocolate and a blanket and get comfy!