2017 End of Year Recap

I cannot believe this year is almost at an end, I blinked and this year was gone!  The end of the year did not quite go as I planned, but boy has it made me change my thinking and how I go forward in the years to come!  It had its ups and downs, but I am thankful for both experiences.  Here is a little about what has been happening!

In November I celebrated 6 years of marriage to this wonderful man!! Its hard to put in writing just how much this man means to me.  And just how much through the ups and the downs that all relationships go through that we together and separately have grown in our faith and in our relationship.  I cant imagine going through life with anyone else, and I cannot wait to see where life takes us together.


As part of my anniversary gift Clay took us on a short trip to NYC.  I can honestly say it is one of the best trips we have ever taken together, it was just so much fun from start to finish! Plus anyone who knows me, knows that I am a Christmas nut, and what better time to go to the Big Apple than during the holiday seasons. We got to go on a bus tour around the city the first day we were there, and I got to meet 98 Degrees!!!!! We walked over 8 miles every day, and saw everything from the Empire State Building to the skyline of Manhattan from the Hudson River at night. I really have never enjoyed a trip more than this one and can for sure now say I Love NYC.  I while definitely be going back.


As with life there are going to be good times and hard times, and unfortunately we had to go through a bit of a hard time recently.  For me its hard to share a lot of personal experiences, but this is different. Had I not had the love, support, encouragement and prayers of so many, especially my family, things might have turned out much different.  Some of you may know that at the end of November I had to go to the emergency room and ended up being in the hospital for 8 days.  Not the best way to start the holidays, but it saved my life. I had so many people friends, family and clients reach out to me and let me know they were praying for me and there if I needed anything. That meant the world to me!  For a few months leading up to that, I was just feeling off.  My energy was way down and I was just having severe pains in my abdomen.  I just thought that since we had just started to re-modeling our kitchen (and not being able to eat like I normally do) and getting a new puppy and a million other little things that I was just over stressed.  

I kept plugging on trying really hard to work through the pain, and truth be told I was not taking good care of my self because it made me feel guilty if I sat on the couch all day and did nothing but rest.  But soon it was getting to the point where I was getting really sick and could not keep a lot of food down and It would always hit me in the middle of the night.  Finally one day in November I woke up with pain that was way to intense to ignore and knew I had to get myself over to the hospital.  I ended up being admitted with a severe internal infection and a few other things. 

As anyone who has had to stay for any length of time in the hospital, its not the most enjoyable places to be.  However, I went into it though knowing that that was where I needed to be for a short time to help get my body on the mend. It also helped my stay having the most wonderful nurses and doctors. They had such consideration, compassion and positive attitudes that it made it so much easier to be there.  There were times where it was hard to be positive, but have you ever had a peace about a situation and you just know everything is going to be ok?  Thats the feeling that I got about what I was going through, I knew I was going to be ok.  Yes, I acknowledge that my body was sick, but I stood and have been standing and defending my healing.  

All in all I had to end up staying for 8 days in the hospital :( . When I was given the ok to go home, I had to go home with a PICC line in my arm and as of yet still have it. Hopefully I will be able to get it removed shortly! Praise the Lord though that I am out of the hospital and got to spend the holidays at home with the people that mean the most to me.  I have had to take it easy, and have been resting a lot, but I am claiming and defending my healing and I am getting my strength and energy back. For now I am limiting for a short time how many sessions I take on so as not to get run down so soon after my hospital stay. Never fear though I am doing so much better and will be better than ever soon.

I thought it was important to let everyone know what has been going on the past few months, because so many of you have reached out through all this and have truly blessed me while going through this trial.   Going into 2018 I am so thankful for my wonderful family and their encouragement and support, and the blessing of amazing friends and wonderful clients that have been so amazingly caring and thoughtful.  Thank you all so much for enriching my life and making my 2017 and going forward so much better!

2017 was a good year, but 2018 is going to be a great year!  Happy New Years!!